For most slum families, educating their children is the last thing on their minds. Every child up to the age of 14 is entitled to free schooling, but the government schools they attend are poorly resourced and have low teaching standards. English and computing skills are barely taught, and the option of higher education remains an expensive dream. As slum children grow up, Mayadeep Homestay parental pressure to leave school and start work increases, and the vast majority of young people leave school by the age of 16. Among slum residents, the most common belief about higher education - or even completing school -is that it's a waste of time and money.
To counter the above premise, the CSR Cell of JIMS has been successfully running Computer Classes for the children of the EWS Category for the last 3 years.
It is felt that the acquisition of basic computing skills by any set of children can be achieved through incidental learning provided the learners are given access to a suitable computing facility, with entertaining and motivating content and some minimal (human) guidance.
With the above in view at the time of the summer vacation every year,(June / July) Computer classes are organized for 2.5 hours every day (Monday to Friday) for the children of EWS Category from the slums of Nangal Dewat, Rangpuri Pahari, Masoodpur and Mahipalpur. These children are given free of cost computer education. A course on Microsoft Office is taught to atleast 30 students during June/ July every year.
JIMS English Speaking Course (JESC) was a part of the CSR initiative takenup by JIMS, Vasant Kunj where 48 students were trained for English speaking. These students are studying in the Community schools, at Rangpuri Pahari and Kishangarh and are not fluent in English speaking.
The orientation session on 11th June 2014 was taken by Dr. Ravi K. Dhar, Director JIMS, Vasant Kunj for two hours on English Speaking Foundation & Phonetics at the beginning of the program. The classes were held from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm from Monday to Friday from 11th June to 10th July 2014, and the students were taught English speaking through Games, Activities, Computers & Lectures. Home activities were also given to keep the students involved in the program. Students age group was from 8 years to 16 Years, and comprised of both girls & boys. Two working women who are running their own business also learnt English speaking.
Overall the students were quite happy & motivated and the attendance was more than 90% for the entire course. The student satisfaction level was very high & there was substantial improvement in the English speaking skills. The students became more confident to speak in front of the class. The program was a huge success and hopefully more students would be enrolling for the course in the summer of 2015. Faculty for the course comprised of :- 1. Prof. B. Manchanda 2. Mr. Vipul Singh 3. Ms. Sakshi Chhabra.